Thursday, July 3, 2014

Your not worth responding to!

Oh hi, how are you? It has been a while. Last I heard from you was on your automated answering machine. I left you a message and you never returned my call. I guess you didn't care about Uncle Eddies airplane crash. I wonder if you would respond if I won the lottery? Am I not worth responding to?

Is it just me, or is there a current trend of folks who just don't respond? Have you ever got a text message from someone and then called them back at that moment, and they did not pick up? It makes you wonder, doesn't it? Some of these folks are glued to their devices, so you know that they simply did not want to talk. Maybe we are all just to linked into each other, and we need an escape. Are you the one who always initiates a conversation or activity? Are the responses you get short and lack enthusiasm? Does this person only respond to questions and not statements? It might mean several things. They could be on the phone to someone else. Maybe they are busy. Maybe they lack interest in you or in what you are talking about. Maybe they are Lame.

Wow! Yeah! Look at everybody at the mall texting on their phones so busy with their incredible social lives! I'm being sarcastic in case you can't tell. Texting has little to do with social skills, it's a very poor way to communicate to other people. Talking face to face or even on the phone is so much better, there are so many things that you pick up from peoples' faces and voices that you just don't get through text. Doesn't anybody remember these wonderful things we used to have called conversations? Hey texting has it's place, but give your friend a call once in a while, and if you're hanging out with somebody put the phone away and stop texting other people the whole time, it's rude!

Business people know that a quick response will gain customers. Friends stay friends by interest in each others lives. Sometimes it becomes one sided and only one side sees it happening. Sometimes people grow apart. There is a lot of reasons. Life is complicated.

Maybe we all need to to take a chill pill and worry about what matters most to each of us. Respond to the people you care about, and they will be there when you need them. 

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  1. Yep.... pretty much. It's one reason we still have flip phones. We are protesting the smartfonification of America.

  2. Joe I was just thinking about getting a cell phone! Now I'm not sure LOL. Your right not having one and watching it slowly happen around me is crazy.
    Its a world I know nothing of, just getting facebook was mind-blowing enough!
    found some old love notes from school the other day and thought about the lost art the kids don't see. Like how you fold it , a personal fragrance, who handed it out or a smudge from a tear at the end of a note! Just send and delete. Good thoughts Joe!

    jimmy E
