Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Newsflash: Seasonal work is better for you!

I get to talk to a lot of kids working at a very busy Fire Lookout. Large groups of kids from all over the world show up here every day during fire season. I can't believe how many people are opposed to even discussing seasonal employment to these children! Some kids are
not destined for college, and I like to talk about seasonal employment which might be a good option for them. For the last 20 years I have been a seasonal employee. I've been a firefighter in the summer, and worked at a number of ski resorts in different capacities. In addition I've done a lot of other "jobs" of a temporary nature. I've had the 4 year apprenticeship, became a journeyman, supervised a union shop, got great benefits and a lot more money than I make now. And you know what? It sucked. It sucked the life out of me. There is a spirit within the seasonal worker, that you won't
 usually find with a year round employee. Lets face it: who wouldn't want to work just six months of the year and travel the other six? So many folks just say this is not possible. Maybe not for them at this stage of their lives. But I've lived that way for the last 20 years, and it has been good and keeps getting better. Thats why I like to tell the kids about the YCC, the Forest Service, and other opportunitys to work seasonally and abroad as well. There are many opportunity's for people to work temporarily if they are willing to move temporarily. Some jobs for "the younger" person, even supply housing. I can think of 50 people I know off the top of my head who I have worked with over the years, that travel 4-6 months of every year. I have a 23 year
old friend who is right now taking a year off to see the world! I see you rolling your eyes (just like yesterdays post) again! These are kids who have worked hard, lived on a shoestring, and saved all their money for adventure. Most parents would say this lifestyle is a poor one, without benefits or retirement. I say its a rich one, full fresh perspectives, new people, and new challenges. This is when the teacher who brought her class to see me, wishes she hadn't. But come on, these poor kids have had it. Their whole lives their parents have told them, "Junior, your going to college so you can get a good job and drive a great car and be fat like me". No...some of those kids want to be like me. Kayaking on a Tuesday. Spending 30 days in the Grand Canyon. Trekking thru the desert. Picking fruit for money. Sleeping on the ground, or in a car, and loving it. Taking freshies on a Monday morning in the pow pow before work. Taking a 4 dollar a day surf trip to the coast. Helping your grandma out on a moments notice because your the only one in the family who has Wednesday available to help. We spent 6 months in Australia working with the Conservancy and Land Management. We lived on pennies but did not miss out on a single opportunity to go, see, and do.

A lot of our friends are seasonal workers. They have interesting lives. They are usually fit, outdoorsy types who tend to celebrate life. Some are poor. Surprisingly, a lot of them do just fine financially. Mentally, we are just more at ease than most (usually). We work extremely hard all summer, put in all the overtime we can, work every other opportunity we get, but we know it all comes to an end when the snow flys. And next season is different. Its that change that keeps us thinking with an optimistic outlook. So, if you think you need a change, look towards seasonal employment. A little research will yield you many opportunity's, and planning will help you get where you want to be.

Until next time, I will catch you "On the Lookout". Please subscribe to my blog for more interesting story's on random topics. Cheers.


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