Thursday, July 17, 2014

Lava Butte Fire Lookout 101st Anniversary 

August 17th 10:00-3:00 @Lava Butte Lookout

Come join current lookout staff, former lookouts, interpreters, forest service fire personnel, and Smokey Bear and celebrate one of Oregon's Historic Icons.
We will  have pictures, stories, fire ecology lectures, and presentations focusing on fire detection, and modern day applications.

 What is it like to be a modern day Lookout Observer?

Here at Lava Butte the Lookout job is a High Stress situation for the most part. We are surrounded by communities that rely and expect early detection and fire suppression. Your homes and businesses are important to us, and so is the surrounding forest. When a fire breaks, we are expected to give an accurate fire report in seconds, 

 delays and mistakes are unacceptable. Even with new technology, much of the job is the same as it was in your grandparents era. We must know every landmark in our seeing area intimately. Fires with the base not visible, as in fires behind a ridge or mountain, are very difficult to ascertain distance, and only experience and local knowledge of the area can keep you from chewing your nails to the bone hoping you got it right. During lightning storms we spend our whole day staring at clouds, sky, and forest, which can and frequently does lead to eye strain, headaches, and an overall feeling of exhaustion. Early detection, prompt fire reports, and excellent crews have kept the major fires at bay here in south deschutes country, at least for the 7 years I've worked here. As many of you know, high temperatures combined with low humidity, can be a explosive situation for fire growth and spread potential. And then wind changes everything. Be cautious this summer!

Joey Michael Hodgson is a lookout, firefighter, extreme kayaker, chainsaw carver, writer, and musician. Check out his blog  His latest music project@joey river black butte porter song contest 


Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Red Flag Warning for Abundant Lightning and Dry Fuels!

Today is the ultimate day to be a Fire Lookout! Receptive fuels, low relative humidity, high based sky wide thunderstorms, and chance of wetting rain at 10% or lower, makes our morning brim with anticipation and excitement! In my life, few things rival a day like this. The local news station called this morning wanting to do a story on "Preparation for Lightning and Fire" from a lookouts perspective. I declined the interview, citing my need to be focused and not distracted. In addition, I've given numerous t.v. interviews throughout my career, and they never turn out the way I think they should have. So today, I give you my perspective! Aren't you so lucky?! Now don't turn off your computer just yet.

What does a lookout do to prepare for a day like this? We start by having everything we might need close at hand, and prepare to work long hours into the night. I have all my maps and map books ready, with lot's of scratch pads for notes. I have notes of where all relevant fire resources are and who is running each module. I have logged my current fire weather readings and take notes on the official forecast of my area. I plumb my firefinder, make sure the scope orientation is dead on (for the third time!), and take a couple of "practise" shots on known locations and check for similar readings. By this time, at this lookout, I've already had several hundred visitors hike up to see the view! Today I have a sign telling visitors that the Lookout is closed to public, and even so, many people disregard and come up anyway. Binoculars at hand. Handheld Forest Service radios charged and ready. Now is the time for me to get charged and ready. Coffee is just what I need!

How many lightning strikes have I seen start wildfires? Probably at least 100, perhaps twice that number counting distant fires. Every time it is exhilarating! Although it can be and usually is epic experience, it is also nerve wracking and exhausting. If I report ten fires four of which could threaten urban interface, I have to be spot on on my location. The margin of error is high, and especially so the greater the distance from my location. Expectation is that I lead a crew right into a fire, and more often than not that is what happens. But, in the height of the storm, when lightning rains down all over the forest, with multiple starts, the adrenaline flows freely and sometimes we make a mistake. We have to be extremely organized because we don't have time to analyze our decisions. They must be made at a moments notice and be right the first time. Often in our haste we read a false azimuth reading or switch numbers around or read the wrong scrap of paper. 

Many times a storm will track right over the top of the lookout tower. Although we have lightning rods and protection, the sound and pressure waves from thunder right overhead, often leave us on our lightning stool with slightly wet pants! The power right overhead can be very scary indeed. More often than not, strong erratic winds are common as the storm passes through giving fire a chance to get a good hold. Last week I was on the deck helping evacuate the butte of tourists when a bolt of lightning hit nearby starting a blaze. At exactly the same time, I got zapped from the metal rod holding the lookout's shutter. It was slightly stronger than a static electricity shock, it was no big deal, but I got inside the cab in a hurry! Tourist's couldn't get to their cars fast enough!

Red Flag Warning also known as a Fire Weather Warning is a forecast warning issued by the United States National Weather Service to inform area firefighting and land management agencies that conditions are ideal for wildland fire ignition, and rapid propagation. After drought conditions, and when humidity is very low, and especially when high or erratic winds which may include lightning are a factor, the Red Flag Warning becomes a critical statement for firefighting agencies. These agencies often alter their staffing and equipment resources dramatically to accommodate the forecast risk. To the public, a Red Flag Warning means high fire danger with increased probability of a quickly spreading vegetation fire in the area within 24 hours.

Clouds are building. Dark bases developing. It looks like it is going to happen. Time to put the game face on. Keep in mind that wildfire is natures way of cleaning up the land for critters and plants. We need wildfire to keep our planet in check. Some fire we must keep at bay to protect our most valuble resouces, like watersheds, and migration zones. As man encroaches on forest lands it is very likely that fire will impact those communitys eventually.

Thank you for reading.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Your not worth responding to!

Oh hi, how are you? It has been a while. Last I heard from you was on your automated answering machine. I left you a message and you never returned my call. I guess you didn't care about Uncle Eddies airplane crash. I wonder if you would respond if I won the lottery? Am I not worth responding to?

Is it just me, or is there a current trend of folks who just don't respond? Have you ever got a text message from someone and then called them back at that moment, and they did not pick up? It makes you wonder, doesn't it? Some of these folks are glued to their devices, so you know that they simply did not want to talk. Maybe we are all just to linked into each other, and we need an escape. Are you the one who always initiates a conversation or activity? Are the responses you get short and lack enthusiasm? Does this person only respond to questions and not statements? It might mean several things. They could be on the phone to someone else. Maybe they are busy. Maybe they lack interest in you or in what you are talking about. Maybe they are Lame.

Wow! Yeah! Look at everybody at the mall texting on their phones so busy with their incredible social lives! I'm being sarcastic in case you can't tell. Texting has little to do with social skills, it's a very poor way to communicate to other people. Talking face to face or even on the phone is so much better, there are so many things that you pick up from peoples' faces and voices that you just don't get through text. Doesn't anybody remember these wonderful things we used to have called conversations? Hey texting has it's place, but give your friend a call once in a while, and if you're hanging out with somebody put the phone away and stop texting other people the whole time, it's rude!

Business people know that a quick response will gain customers. Friends stay friends by interest in each others lives. Sometimes it becomes one sided and only one side sees it happening. Sometimes people grow apart. There is a lot of reasons. Life is complicated.

Maybe we all need to to take a chill pill and worry about what matters most to each of us. Respond to the people you care about, and they will be there when you need them. 

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Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Newsflash: Seasonal work is better for you!

I get to talk to a lot of kids working at a very busy Fire Lookout. Large groups of kids from all over the world show up here every day during fire season. I can't believe how many people are opposed to even discussing seasonal employment to these children! Some kids are
not destined for college, and I like to talk about seasonal employment which might be a good option for them. For the last 20 years I have been a seasonal employee. I've been a firefighter in the summer, and worked at a number of ski resorts in different capacities. In addition I've done a lot of other "jobs" of a temporary nature. I've had the 4 year apprenticeship, became a journeyman, supervised a union shop, got great benefits and a lot more money than I make now. And you know what? It sucked. It sucked the life out of me. There is a spirit within the seasonal worker, that you won't
 usually find with a year round employee. Lets face it: who wouldn't want to work just six months of the year and travel the other six? So many folks just say this is not possible. Maybe not for them at this stage of their lives. But I've lived that way for the last 20 years, and it has been good and keeps getting better. Thats why I like to tell the kids about the YCC, the Forest Service, and other opportunitys to work seasonally and abroad as well. There are many opportunity's for people to work temporarily if they are willing to move temporarily. Some jobs for "the younger" person, even supply housing. I can think of 50 people I know off the top of my head who I have worked with over the years, that travel 4-6 months of every year. I have a 23 year
old friend who is right now taking a year off to see the world! I see you rolling your eyes (just like yesterdays post) again! These are kids who have worked hard, lived on a shoestring, and saved all their money for adventure. Most parents would say this lifestyle is a poor one, without benefits or retirement. I say its a rich one, full fresh perspectives, new people, and new challenges. This is when the teacher who brought her class to see me, wishes she hadn't. But come on, these poor kids have had it. Their whole lives their parents have told them, "Junior, your going to college so you can get a good job and drive a great car and be fat like me". No...some of those kids want to be like me. Kayaking on a Tuesday. Spending 30 days in the Grand Canyon. Trekking thru the desert. Picking fruit for money. Sleeping on the ground, or in a car, and loving it. Taking freshies on a Monday morning in the pow pow before work. Taking a 4 dollar a day surf trip to the coast. Helping your grandma out on a moments notice because your the only one in the family who has Wednesday available to help. We spent 6 months in Australia working with the Conservancy and Land Management. We lived on pennies but did not miss out on a single opportunity to go, see, and do.

A lot of our friends are seasonal workers. They have interesting lives. They are usually fit, outdoorsy types who tend to celebrate life. Some are poor. Surprisingly, a lot of them do just fine financially. Mentally, we are just more at ease than most (usually). We work extremely hard all summer, put in all the overtime we can, work every other opportunity we get, but we know it all comes to an end when the snow flys. And next season is different. Its that change that keeps us thinking with an optimistic outlook. So, if you think you need a change, look towards seasonal employment. A little research will yield you many opportunity's, and planning will help you get where you want to be.

Until next time, I will catch you "On the Lookout". Please subscribe to my blog for more interesting story's on random topics. Cheers.


Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Are we alone in the Universe?

Good Day People. Today's Post is a controversy I enjoy debating. This 9 year old kid has pretty much outlined my essay. Take the time to watch a couple minutes of his "lecture", not only will you be entertained, but you can't deny his logic. Many people I talk to about this subject are skeptical. I have no doubt that other life forms exist. I believe there are hundreds of thousands of earth like planets with "people" living in all manner of ways. Oh sure, roll your eyes, but how many millions of people have faith in things that have no definitive scientific basis? There is at least a lot scientific data that leads us to believe that there might be more out in the universe, much more.
Two top astronomers told Congress today that it would be “bizarre if we are alone” and asked for continued funding to detect extraterrestrial life. Dan Werthimer, director of the SETI Research Center at the University of California, Berkeley (SETI is short of “Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence”) also told the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology that he thinks the possibility of microbial life on other planets is close to 100 percent. Werthimer and his colleague Seth Shostak, senior astronomer at the SETI Institute  were on Capitol Hill to discuss the need for continued funding for the search for life in the universe. And they were bullish about the prospects that there is life in outer space.
“It would be bizarre if we are alone,” Werthimer told the committee.
“If you extrapolate on the planets they discovered, there are a trillion planets in the galaxy. That’s a lot of places for life,” Shostak argued. “We know that the majority of stars have planets,” but what “fraction of stars has planets that are more like the earth? It might be one in five.”
“It would be a cramped mind that didn’t wonder what other life is out there,” Werthimer said.
Shostak and Werthimer said there are going to be lots of different stages of life in the universe and there could be “a lot of advanced civilizations” as well.

The Mysterious Aboriginal Rock Art of the Wandjinas – Extraterrestrial or Not

One of the most intriguing and perplexing legends of the Australian Aboriginal people is that of the Wandjinas, the supreme spirit beings and creators of the land and people.  The land of the Wandjina is a vast area of about 200,000 square kilometres of lands, waters, sea and islands in the Kimberley region of north-western Australia with continuous culture dating back at least 60,000 years but probably much older. Here, traditional Aboriginal law and culture are still active and alive.
The Worora, Ngarinyin and Wunumbul people are the three Wandjina tribes – these tribal groups are the custodians of the oldest known figurative art which is scattered throughout the Kimberley.
Perhaps what is most interesting about their figurative art painted on rocks and in caves is the way in which they have represented the Wandjinas - white faces, devoid of a mouth, large black eyes, and a head surrounded by a halo or some type of helmet.
The ancient paintings have received all manner of interpretations from stylized representations of people or even owls, to ancient astronaut theories which suggest that extraterrestrial beings visited Earth tens of thousands of years ago and had direct contact with the inhabitants. Some believe that the extraterrestrials even played a direct role in creation, which is reflected not only in the Dreamtime stories of the Aboriginals but also the myths and legends of many ancient civilizations around the world.
This I find interesting on many levels. Have we had contact already, or is the "Dreamtime" a real connection to other worlds? Here is some other interesting discovery's. Astrobiologists discovered organisms that don't need sunlight to exist. In fact, extremophiles may help us understand what an alien might look like. Extremophiles (organisms able to survive in extreme environments) are a core research element for astrobiologists. Such organisms include biota which are able to survive several kilometers below the ocean's surface near hydrothermal ventsand microbes that thrive in highly acidic environments.[58] It is now known that extremophiles thrive in ice, boiling water, acid, the water core of nuclear reactors, salt crystals, toxic waste and in a range of other extreme habitats that were previously thought to be inhospitable for life. Could this mean that a life form on another planet may be able to survive -400 degree temperatures, or breathe chemicals toxic to humans?
The author at a scientific gathering

The size and age of the universe incline us to believe that many technologically advanced civilizations must exist. However, this belief seems logically inconsistent with our lack of observational evidence to support it. Either (1) the initial assumption is incorrect and technologically advanced intelligent life is much rarer than we believe, or (2) our current observations are incomplete and we simply have not detected them yet, or (3) our search methodologies are flawed and we are not searching for the correct indicators. I believe 2 and 3 are correct. In our lifetimes alone there have been many significant discovery's. We now have a rover on Mars sending us pictures and data. How cool is that! For some of us, our tax money is well spent on space exploration. I agree that Humanity has greater issues to deal with than scientific exploration, but we must keep pushing the boundary's of science and learning for a better understanding of our world and how to make it a better place to live. When we finally receive contact from another world, you can say you read it here first! 

         Have a good day. Subscribe to my blog, " On the Lookout" for more interesting story's on random


Thursday, June 19, 2014

Why do people stop listening to music?

In today's post, I will discuss why people stop listening to music and at what age does this usually happen? First off, do you agree that folks at some point as they age, stop listening to music? At least they don't listen to it like they used to back in the day. There is probably a multitude of reason's why we stop listening, so lets focus on what I think the main culprits are. Lets is a face it, TV news and TV in general, lays a heavy hand on the older generation. As people keep up on all the "negative story's and journalistic sensationalism" on a hourly basis, they tend to forget about the refreshing joy involved in a song that makes you want to move, dance, sing, and smile. When your a kid, the worst music in the world is what your parents are listening to. Then when your an adult, the worst music in the world is what teenagers are listening to. At some point we get stagnant with our music, simply rehashing the same stuff we've been listening to for the last 15 years. At that point a lot of folks do not seek out fresh new bands or new music, and in some cases stop listening to music all together. Ok so we can't dispel the notion that an average person works all day, is raising a family, and has other expectations that keep her from seeking out the latest rock band to hit it big in the UK. But have we forgotten the POWER that music can have over psyche?

From an artist's perspective, it seems as though people will not even give new music a chance to be heard. If your not on "The Voice" or "Idol" or a mainstream TV or cable station, your just a no talent ass clown making noise! Music for a lot of folks is simply Background noise. Ok so TV, work, family, and commitments play a big role in why we stop listening. Is this why we stop exercising as well? Or are we just plain lazy? What kind of music we do listen to can tell us something about ourselves as well. The chart below explains this in more detail.
Click to expand
To break it down, here is the connection they have found:
  • Blues fans have high self-esteem, are creative, outgoing, gentle and at ease
  • Jazz fans have high self-esteem, are creative, outgoing and at ease
  • Classical music fans have high self-esteem, are creative, introvert and at ease
  • Rap fans have high self-esteem and are outgoing
  • Opera fans have high self-esteem, are creative and gentle
  • Country and western fans are hardworking and outgoing
  • Reggae fans have high self-esteem, are creative, not hardworking, outgoing, gentle and at ease
  • Dance fans are creative and outgoing but not gentle
  • Indie fans have low self-esteem, are creative, not hard working, and not gentle
  • Bollywood fans are creative and outgoing
  • Rock/heavy metal fans have low self-esteem, are creative, not hard-working, not outgoing, gentle, and at ease
  • Chart pop fans have high self-esteem, are hardworking, outgoing and gentle, but are not creative and not at ease
  • Soul fans have high self-esteem, are creative, outgoing, gentle, and at ease.

At some point in their lives, people simply only listen to music they have heard in the past, or music by their favorite artist. Folks are not consumers of music at this point, but they still consume the hell out of new movies, and TV. Music can compliment a mood you are in, while movies and TV are an escape from your mood. With music, you will play your favorite song or album over and over, while a movie usually only gets watched once a year. Music compliments our lives while TV, movies, and news simply overwhelm our lives. I am reminding you that  good music is being made right now, by artists all over the world. In today's Internet age, there is a multitude of ways to seek out and hear new music, a lot of it is free! Our band uses "Reverbnation". Here you can stream thousands of artist's for free. Never underestimate the power of music. Blow up your TV and start listening to cassettes, vinyl, and cds. Go to an open mic in your hometown. Listen to your friend's band and make positive criticism .
I hope you have enjoyed today's post. Please subscribe to my blog, "On the Lookout" for more interesting story's on random topics. Cheers.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Utah's Spectacular Parks and Monuments

In today's post we will be looking at some great country to put on your bucket list of places to see. Not only is the scenery spectacular, but the camping and river access is second to none! A few years ago, we took a month long trip and hit some cool places in our VW bus. It is hard to beat the big five. Arches, Bryce Canyon, Canyonlands, Capitol Reef, and Zion National Parks.
We, unlike most tourist's, did our trip off season in November and pretty much had the parks to ourselves. Camping in the parks can bit a bit pricey, but worth it. Usually there is trail access right from the campgrounds. We had some amazing free camping just outside some of the Monuments as well. The hiking and climbing here has something for everyone. From paved trails to the most technical rock climbing routes, Utah has you covered! Our funniest memory of our trip was at a viewpoint in Canyonlands. A huge Motorhome was parked and kids were watching a movie on a big screen TV. 
The parents were taking photos of the scenery nearby. The mom says, "I'll text the kids a picture of this". We couldn't believe it! Canyonlands is a massive park, one could spend weeks wandering around and camping out. Capitol Reef National Park is home to cliffs, canyons, domes, and bridges. Called "Wayne Wonderland" in the 1920s by local boosters Ephraim P. Pectol and Joseph S. Hickman, Capitol Reef National Park protects colorful canyons, ridges, buttes, and monoliths. About 75 mi (121 km) of the long up-thrust called the Waterpocket Fold, a rugged spine extending fromThousand Lake Mountain to Lake Powell, is preserved within the park. "Capitol Reef" is the name of an especially rugged and spectacular segment of the Waterpocket Fold near the Fremont River.[3]The area was named for a line of white domes and cliffs of Navajo Sandstone, each of which looks somewhat like the United States Capitol building, that run from the Fremont River to Pleasant Creek on the Waterpocket Fold. The local word reef refers to any rocky barrier to travel.

Arches National Park is a U.S. National Park in eastern Utah. The park is located on the Colorado River 6 km North of Moab, Utah. It is known for containing over 2000 natural sandstone arches, including the world-famous Delicate Arch, in addition to a variety of unique geological resources and formations.
The park is located just outside of Moab, Utah, and is 76,359 acres. Some of the arches here will eventually collapse, so get out there and see em' while you can!
Zion National Park is located in the Southwestern United States, near Springdale, Utah. A prominent feature of the 229-square-mile (590 km2) park is Zion Canyon, which is 15 miles (24 km) long and up to half a mile (800 m) deep, cut through the reddish and tan-colored Navajo Sandstone by the North Fork of the Virgin River. Zion is a center for rock climbing,[51] with short walls like Touchstone, Moonlight Buttress, Spaceshot, and Prodigal Son being very popular. The Kolob Terrace area, west of Zion Canyon features The Subway, a slot canyon hike, and Lava Point, with a panoramic view of the entire area. The Kolob Canyons section, further west near Cedar City, features the world's second longest arch, Kolob Arch.
 .Natural Bridges National Monument is a U.S. National Monument located about 50 miles (80 km) northwest of the Four Corners boundary of southeast Utah, in the western United States, at the junction of White Canyon and Armstrong Canyon, part of the Colorado River drainage. Natural Bridges National Monument should be added to your list while your in Utah. The three bridges in the park are named KachinaOwachomo, and Sipapu (the largest), which are all Hopi names. A natural bridge is formed through erosion by water flowing in the stream bed of the canyon. 

The Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument is a U.S. National Monument protecting 1,880,461 acres (760,996 ha)[1] of land in southern Utah. There are three main regions: the Grand Staircase, the Kaiparowits Plateau, and the Canyons of the Escalante - all of which are administered by the Bureau of Land Management as part of the National Landscape Conservation System. We thought this was really neat and worth seeing.
There is no way to list all the cool places to see in Utah. Rainbow Bridge, Dinosaur National Monument, Monument Valley, Cedar Breaks, and tons of others are out there waiting for you to discover them! Utah's wide open spaces rate high in my book of refreshing landscapes. Camping is everywhere, people are friendly, and sky's are mostly blue. So get out there and see this stuff if you can. I hope you enjoyed today's blog. Please subscribe to my blog for more interesting story's on random topics. Cheers.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Multi-Day Coastal Hikes in the Northwest

Sand is hard to hike on
Dry socks anyone?
                                                                                                                                          Some of my favorite hiking is done on the coast.      Washington has over 70 miles of beach hiking, most of which is in designated wilderness! California's northern coastline is another favorite with over 45 miles of beach hiking on "The Lost Coast". Backpacking on the coast is absolutely fabulous! There is so many things about these hikes that are special, that I will only list a few here. First off, where else can you camp right on the beach (above high tide line), see only wildlife, and sleep on a suspended net? The coastal views are spectacular. You can forage for food, and cook your bounty over a driftwood fire. You can pack in a surfboard and spend the day riding the waves. You can watch whales from your tent! It can be some of the best camping known to modern day hikers. It really does depend on your perspective, as to whether or not you will have a good time.

Steep wet climbs are common
Slippery Rocks add to the Challenge!
 All of the coastal hikes I've done (all 3 sections on Washington's northern coastline, California's Lost Coast) have been moderate to difficult hikes. Hiking on sand can be brutal.  After a few miles with a heavy pack, walking on sand takes a toll on the ole calf muscles. Also, we will be walking for miles on great beds of small rocks, baseball size rocks, and scrambles on large vehicle sized rocks. Keep in mind these rocks are wet and slippery. Another reason people don't flock to these hikes is the Stream and Headland crossings. All of these hikes have challenging crossings, some streams are chest deep and swift! Headland crossings are hazardous as well. Large parts of the coastline are cliffs that can only be navigated during low tide. People misjudge the tides and get trapped like Shannon and I did a couple of years ago on California's Lost Coast. We thought we could make 4 miles in 3 hours, easy. But the loose sand, slippery tidal crossings, and rock fields made the 4 miles an all day experience! We were trapped by breaking waves against a cliff line, and had to find a way up fast! We found a small creek's drainage and managed to get up the cliff. We pitched our tent on top of the cliff in a very sloped, uneven, brushy, poison oak infested, piece of uncomfortable ground and proceeded to drink all of the wine we had brought! Also, here on the coast, it rains a lot. In fact, rarely will you get a five day hike without a downpour! Also, don't forget about the bone chilling wind! And finally, what gets most people is encounters with Black Bears. The National Park Service requires permits and Bear Proof food containers. Mostly it is just the raccoons that try to sabotage your food, but there are a lot of Bears here as well. They like to forage in the tide pools.

Wet tent's are normal here!
 These are a few of the reasons why these coastal hikes are not for everybody. It takes a hearty soul indeed to make the 40 mile trip in a few days time. The rewards far outweigh the difficulty's. A beach fire, a challenging hike with friends, and several days without a cell phone make this on the very top of my list of things to do every year for the rest of my life! I hope you have enjoyed this post. I will have another hiking post where I will list some specifics about what to pack for a coastal hike and how to plan logistics. Please subscribe to my blog, and keep doing. Cheers.